Tools and Resources
An Drouizig provides various tools and resources in Breton, on Breton in relation to new technologies or on digital media.

About Breton
With the idea of helping to use translated software, you will find glossaries on various subjects: games, astronomy, IT vocabulary, etc. An Drouizig also provides you with external resources on Breton, as well as studies on the practice of the language.

This page lists Breton dictionaries available online on the web: dictionaries to consult online or to download. More or less specialized in the field of IT, they will allow you to find all the necessary information on the language and its variants.

In the typography section you will find some reflections on particular points of Breton writing. In particular, we talk about the taking into account of these points by digital machines: quotation marks, K crossed out, Bigi Breizh font. So-called Celtic typefaces are also in the spotlight. You can download some of them, including the Brito, used on this site.

C'hwerty Keyboard
An Drouizig has developed the C’hwerty keyboard in order to satisfy a recurring and increasingly sensitive demand. It integrates the linguistic specificities of Breton by taking into account the characteristics specific to this language and to other Celtic languages. Directly adapted from the French AZERTY keyboard, it additionally manages four new C’H CH Ù and Ñ keys. Its purpose is to facilitate the entry of a text in the Breton language.

An Drouizig provides you with books in the public domain or under Creative Commons licenses. You will find there in particular the works of Jakez Riou and Gab Milin, writers from the beginning of the 20th century. You can download them in different electronic formats: epub, pdf and text. (page in Breton).